
New Bike 

I ordered this bike from Urban Outfitters bike shop! 
You can make them look how ever you and it only weights 25 lbs so I can throw it on my shoulder and carry it up and down the stairs to my apartment and since we live at the beach I am not going to leave it out side.

Look what showed up at my door! 
I can't believe my bike is in there!

 Some assembly Required! 

 Thanks Mr Tim for getting me this far! I love my bike!

Finished with no Fatalities!
I can't wait to try it out. I hope it stays together.

It has found it's home among my other bikes. The pink and blue on I found in the barn at our family Homeplace! I had to clean them up really well with steel wool and oil to remove some of the rust. They turned out great. My Granddad fixed the gears and tires on them and they ride just as good as they did back in their day. But they are heavy as all get out! 

I like the banana seat a lot it is so much easier on the hind parts!  

First ride to the sound! Love it! The handle bars are not tight enough but we can fix that.


Hurricane Irene 

Hurricane Lasted for a whole 24 hours. It rained and the wind blow for 24 hours straight. We thought nothing was wrong and this storm was a baby and went to sleep. When we woke up in the morning the sound had surged 5 feet and flooded tons of houses. It also cut use off from our friends and family in Hatteras Island by taking out hwy 12! Ferry for us......
Rosco's first ferry ride! It is not fun. The water is so ruff we almost all got sick and it took 2 and a half hours to get to Trivillage from stumpy point.

It's ok B! 

  Trivillage did not fare so well

Pieces of people's houses are everywhere.

Beach Adventure
Found the bouy washed up on the beach! So neat but it is huge. How the heck are they every going to move it?
Owen got me a Freaker!!


OMG a Double Rainbow

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